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This October, students will be going out to local neighborhood homes with letters attached to grocery bags asking for people to fill up the bag with canned food or leave a donation for the Anne Arundel County Food Bank.  We will then come back to the neighborhood at a certain date and time to pick up the donations (similar to what Purple Heart, the Lupus Foundations, Disabled Veternas, and other charitities do). The letter will state:


Hello neighbor!  South River High School is having a food drive for the Anne Arundel County Food Bank.  We would like to ask that you fill this bag with any of the items listed below.  Monetary donations are excepted as well.  Checks should be made out to South River High School and we will cut one big check at the end of our drive.  Please put your bag on your porch on (date) and we will collect it at (time).  If it's raining we will collect it the following day at the same time.  Email if you have any questions.  Your donation is tax deductible!  Thank you for participating in the fight against hunger!


You can do this fundraiser yourself!  Please click the icon below to download the letter so that you can go to your local neighborhoods.  Don't forget to provide your neighbor with a bag from a local supermarket!


Don't forget to click on the piggy bank to donate now!

A huge thank you to Giant Supermarkets for donating 800 paper bags for our campaign in the fall!

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